TNG logo AOT51 proposals submission system REM logo

Welcome! With this web interface you can submit your proposal to the INAF time allocation committee checking and following on-line every step of the submission.

We assume that you have carefully prepared and checked your proposal using the template files and guidelines and taking into account the information and technical warnings for TNG or for REM relevant for the AOT51 (April 2025 - September 2025) period.

If this is the case, please enter the name of your LaTex file and encapsulated postscript figure(s) using the forms below. To speed up the operations and avoid possible errors during the uploading we encourage compressing the postscript file(s) containing the figures using gzip or UNIX compress.

The interface will check, run and show you the results of the compilation before asking for confirmation. It will also check the size of the resulting postscript file and reject proposals which produce compressed postscript files larger than 1.5 Mbytes. Should you run into this problem, please reduce the size of the postscript figures using image-handling programs like e.g. convert.

Every submitted proposal is immediately included in a public data base which contains the "proposal codes", as chosen by the users, together with the date and time of submission. The "proposal code", which you can choose as you wish, is only meant to help you verifying the status of your proposal(s) and will not be used elsewhere. This code has not to be confused with the TAC code which will assigned to your program after submission.

Finally, you may enter in the last form an e-mail address alternative to that of the P.I. given in the proposal ( \piemail{ }), we will use this for urgent communications (if any). Please note that this information will not be included in the public data base.

After you click "Submit", please be patient. Depending on the size of your files and on the load on the network, the submission procedure may take from a few seconds to several minutes. In some peculiar cases (e.g. internet heavily overloaded) you may get a timeout error from your browser. Should this occur, please keep calm, check the status of your internet connection and try again. If you feel really in trouble, you may send us an email.

FGG-INAF complies with the Spanish law for sensible data management (LOPD). Please read the page

Insert here the LaTex file containing your proposal
Insert here the postscript file with the first figure (if any)
Insert here the postscript file with the second figure (if any)
Insert here the postscript file with the third figure (if any)
Insert here the postscript file with the fourth figure (if any)
Insert here the postscript file with the fifth figure (if any)
Insert here the postscript file with the sixth figure (if any)
Insert here the postscript file with the seventh figure (if any)
Insert here your "proposal code"
Insert here an e-mail address alternative to that of the P.I. (optional)

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